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Here is an overview on our partner in the sphere of Frozen and fresh meats, Poultry and Seafood, Sao Gabriel food group. 


•São Gabriel Food Group owns the whole food cycle --‐ farms, factories and

•distribution. We provide traceability from our farms to our factories/processing

•plants --‐ to your stores --‐ to your table.

•Our strict quality control guarantees the highest possible quality and freshness.

•All the products we manufacture use ingredients that are supplied by our own

•growing division, and we stand by them¾¾from seeds to finished goods.

•Our integration eliminates price variables throughout the farming cycle which

•provides stability and pricing to our clients. Maximizing production of pasture

•grass and cereals has made us a self--‐sufficient and reliable supplier of meats,

•grains, oilseeds, fruits, snacks/cereals, as well as natural spring water.

•São Gabriel Food Group has perfected its operations over many years and we take

•pride in having exceeded industry standards.

•We can customize and scale up to fit individual customer needs on any product

•we sell. We can beat any price on the market and lock it in for 5--‐10 years.

•We have operations in the Canada, United States, Portugal and Brazil.

Here are the cuts of Chicken. 


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